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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Carved black wooden yipwon (hook figure). Downward pointed hook containing the form of a human figure in profile. The figure's face is carved underneath the uppermost hook. The face is elongated with a furrowed brow, sharp cheekbones and chin. The eyes are closed and the mouth is small with a defined lower lip. The body of the figure consists of four opposed hooks encircling a central diamond shaped protrusion. The back of the hook is slightly curved, ends with one human leg with a striped knee and a small foot. The surface of the wood has been blackened.

History Of Use

Yipwon, or kamanggabi, are kept in the men's house and are the property and responsibility of the senior clan. They may be consulted in the planning of war. Their answer is delivered by a shaman believed to be possessed by the spirit of the kamanggabi. Small offerings of food may be made to ensure their benevolence and the prosperity of the group and village. The figures may be surrounded by decorations such as leaves, feathers and substances for successful hunting or fertile crops.

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