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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Baby carrier, or cradle board, with beaded top and cover. Back piece is made of flat wood board, with a rounded top that narrows towards base; board covered in hide. Design on beaded top consists of a grouping of five flowers with stems and leaves; done in red, dark purple, dark blue, and green, with yellow and red highlights throughout. Motif done on a white background; area outlined with maroon triangles, trimmed in dark blue. Bottom half of the board has a hide pouch with laces and cotton-lined collar, into which a baby can be placed. Black cloth cover overtop pouch has a large beaded flower with leaves and stems; two smaller flowers extend from petals of central motif. Designs are done in white, dark blue, red, light blue, and green. Cloth cover outlined with white triangles. Back of board decorated with long pieces of fringe, towards top; hide strap, lined with mint green cloth, attached to back, towards centre of board.


From 1919 - 1936 the donors' grandfather, Richard G. Newton was superintendent of an Agricultural Experimental Station in Windemere, BC. After that they moved to Prince George, where Newton was assigned to direct an Experimental Farm in Pineview. The grandparents later retired in Chilliwack. The two donors, Hart and Brooks, inherited the collection from their father.

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