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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Folding coconut shredder stool. Stool consists of two rectangular boards with slight zigzag profiles and cutouts in their centres; cutouts have angled edges. One board is inserted through the cutout of the other, allowing them to fold inward and outward; rest flat when folded inward, form a low "X" shape when folded out. The upper arms, that form the seat, are decorated with stain and incised geometric motifs. Pencil grid overtop each arm with central design of three interconnected diamonds, inside a vertically oriented rectangle, with diagonal lines extending from top and bottom corners; space between edges of diamonds and rectangle border are carved out. Edges of seat are stained(?) dark brown; checker pattern across centre, where arms meet. Extending from the front arm is a serrated blade. Blade is oval-shaped and is inserted into a rectangular protrusion that ends in a triangle-like base; area around top of rod is circled with metal. Triangle-like base of rod decorated with incised crisscrossing and diagonal lines. Lines, and edges of rod, are darkened with stain(?). Rest of stool is undecorated.


Acquired by the donor when they lived in Tanzania and Uganda in the 1960s.

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