Item number Nd645 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number Nd645 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Coiled basket with bifurcated stitches; elongated watch-spring base construction; fully beaded. The design from the bottom to top consists of types of discrete shapes; both are imbricated in red on beaded bullrush ground. Colour: tan.
Coiled baskets in a range of sizes, embellished with distinctive patterns and motifs of animals and humans, have long been made and used by the Tsilhqot’in people. Spruce roots are usually preferred over cedar roots as the foundation for these strong and functional containers, which are often made in a flared, burden-basket form. Baskets were used extensively for carrying, storage and cooking, in addition to being made for trade or sale.
This type of basket was usually made of coiled split and bundled spruce-tree roots, stitched together by long, fine strands of spruce root. Beginning at the base of the basket, the weaver would gradually build up the form out of a continuous coil, stitching the upper layer to the coil below. Each stitch splits the one directly below it as the root is drawn through the coil. At the same time, the weaver folds or imbricates strands of grass and bark into each stitch on the outside of the basket, often creating dark patterns on a light background.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Coiled basket with bifurcated stitches; elongated watch-spring base construction; fully beaded. The design from the bottom to top consists of types of discrete shapes; both are imbricated in red on beaded bullrush ground. Colour: tan.
Coiled baskets in a range of sizes, embellished with distinctive patterns and motifs of animals and humans, have long been made and used by the Tsilhqot’in people. Spruce roots are usually preferred over cedar roots as the foundation for these strong and functional containers, which are often made in a flared, burden-basket form. Baskets were used extensively for carrying, storage and cooking, in addition to being made for trade or sale.
This type of basket was usually made of coiled split and bundled spruce-tree roots, stitched together by long, fine strands of spruce root. Beginning at the base of the basket, the weaver would gradually build up the form out of a continuous coil, stitching the upper layer to the coil below. Each stitch splits the one directly below it as the root is drawn through the coil. At the same time, the weaver folds or imbricates strands of grass and bark into each stitch on the outside of the basket, often creating dark patterns on a light background.
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