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Tan basketry tray consisting of interlocking coiled work (unsplit stitches) with parallel slat base and wall construction. Two slat rows form the sides. Decorated with partial beading. One section of decoration remains. It consists of an upper row of black triangles (vertex up) and a lower row of red triangles (vertex down) with five rows of stepped cat-tail grass.

History Of Use

Coiled basketry traditionally had many uses. It was used for storage of foods, medicines and personal belongings. Some baskets were used for cooking and boiling water, while others had more private uses. Haeberlin and Teit (1928) suggest that in the past not all women were basket makers, but that the skill became more widespread during the early and middle twentieth century when basketry was highly collectible and it became a source of income for many local First Nations women. Basket making declined after the 1950s, but it is still present in many Coast Salish communities and interest is growing.

Specific Techniques

Sto:lo basket maker Rena Point Bolton noted that the corners on this tray are done in an interesting manner. Roots have been added on the inside surface of the cedar slat to "give it a little bit of thickness, so it wouldn't just be bare wood, "so they would be a little rounded looking."


This basket once belonged to Mrs. Bartleman, who lived on the West Saanich Reserve. It may have originated in that community, however the old museum ledger noted it as having a Squamish origin?

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