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Rectangular cedar root basket consisting of simple coiled work (bifurcated stitches); parallel slat foundation; total imbrication. Rawhide handles overcast with cedar root and beaded. Convex lid. The coiled work consists of nine rows of elongated (two slat) stitches; beaded basket; fully imbricated. Two rows of stepped pattern in crabapple and black cherry bark. Along the top are shapes in black and along bottom are the same shapes in red. The lid is convex and flanged, and decorated with partial beading. Alternating crabapple/black cherry creating six wide rows going width of lid. Hinges are rawhide. Rawhide tips on lid connect with loops on basket. Colour: tan.

History Of Use

According to Nlaka'pamux Elder Minnie Peters this is a storage basket. It is the type that is used for blankets.

Specific Techniques

According to Sto:lo basket maker and weaver Wendy Ritchie this basket demonstrates a design feature commonly found in swoqw'elh or goat hair blankets. It is a technique called changing the pattern. It acts as a divider between the different coloured elements on the lid of this basket and is created by sewing the coil over more than one row.

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