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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Mask depicting Kola Sanniya (representing pneumonia) with a humanoid face that has been painted green with red lips, off-white teeth and fangs, an articulated jaw, protruding conical eyes with rounded tips, a bulbous nose with flared nostrils, scrolling yellow protrusions that emerge from above the eyes, and an off-white, grey, black, and red cobra emerging from between the eyes. There is a crescent-shaped slit under each eye. A long hair moustache is inserted into holes above the upper lip, and a black plant fibre beard attached to strip of rubber nailed to lower jaw, which is hinged with thread. A twined plant fibre cord runs across the back and is tied through holes on either side of the mask. The reverse has paper label with typed text that reads, "Kola Sanni, the leader of the '18' " and "33," handwritten.

History Of Use

Mask worn in curative ritual of the Sanni Yakuma ceremony of the Tovil rituals, a series of dramas performed by a ritual specialist or exorcist and dancers in order to exorcise disease causing demons. Dancer wearing this mask is said to appear last and to receive the bulk of offerings from the patient's family. Often wears crown of palm leaves and receptacle of banana stems around waist.

Cultural Context


Iconographic Meaning

Dark colour; fangs; open mouth and protruding eyes symbolize a demon.

Item History

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