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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Shirt made of woven fabric with multicoloured vertical bands on red. The front bottom edge is unfinished, and the back bottom edge is fringed. The sides are sewn partway up leaving arm holes. Multi-coloured embroidered edging at the neck. Slit with blue running stitch and cerise string ties, part way down the front. The back has small diamond-shaped embroidered areas in pink and yellow.

History Of Use

Woven with the same pattern as a sash, but was instead made into a child's huipil. Woven by a woman on a back strap loom. Children, after infancy, wear garments exactly the same as their parents (O'Neale).


This object forms part of the Inge Ruus Collection of Guatemalan Textiles in the Museum of Anthropology. The Inge Ruus Collection of Guatemalan Textiles was collected on behalf of the Museum of Anthropology by Inge Ruus, Curatorial Assistant in the Museum from 1974 to 1978. Some items were purchased by the Museum and others were donated by Inge Ruus. Inge Ruus collected these materials while attending courses on Guatemalan textiles in Guatemala during the summers of 1976 and 1977, taught by Anne Lambert, instructor on textiles at the University of Alberta.

Cultural Context

worn by a girl

Specific Techniques

The front opening of the shirt is finished with a plain running stitch. The round neck opening is finished with a wide band of overcast stitching made so that the long stitches show on the outside and the short stitches, on the inside. This same technique is used on the areas embroidered on the back.

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