Found 334 Refine Search items.
Found 334 Refine Search items.
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Fragmented bowl with incurved sides and rounded base. Burnished surface. Broken; partially repaired. Part a) Fragment of one side. Incised band of one orange-brown abstract vencejo (bird) with double triangle head and rectangular body. Diagonal lines in wings and three incised line decoration with dots in one side of the ends at tail. Two vertical red-brown bands at the end of the tail, traces of red-brown paint at rim and cream residues. b) Fragment of one side. Incised band of one orange-brown abstract vencejo with double triangle head and rectangular body. Diagonal lines on wings and three incised line decoration with dots in one side of the ends at tail. Double triangle vencejo head at the other side of vertical red-brown bands.Traces of red-brown paint at rim and cream residues. Red-brown paint and cream residue. c) Fragment of base, no decoration. d) Fragment of one side. Incised band of a bird's triangular head and half of body; vertical orange-brown bands above. Traces of red-brown paint at rim and cream residue. e) Fragment of base with no decoration.
Fragmented bowl with flat, black base, opened sides and round rim. Mold-made manufacture. Broken and partially restored. a) Piece of bowl, flat base and sides are incised with a triple rim band and a diagonal step repeat motif in light brown, grey-brown and yellow-cream paint. b) Side part of bowl wiith an incised triple rim band and a diagonal step repeat motif in light brown, grey-brown and yellow-cream paint. c) Small fragment, part of bowl side and base. Incised triple rim band and a diagonal step repeat motif in light brown, grey-brown and yellow-cream paint. d) Small fragment, part of bowl base. e) Small fragment, part of bowl base. f) Small fragment, part of bowl side with an incised triple rim band and a diagonal step repeat motif in light brown, grey-brown and yellow-cream paint. g) Small fragment, part of bowl side with an incised triple rim band and four diagonal step motif in light brown, grey-brown and yellow-cream paint. h) Part of bowl rim. Incised triple rim band in yellow-cream, black, light brown and red-brown paint. i) Small black fragment, part of bowl base.
Grey-brown fragmented bowl. Incomplete. a) Part of bowl side with horizontal strings, reed stamp circles in brow divided by central whisker motif, nose in relief, one "eye of god" motif below mouth, flanked by vertical lines with panels containing horizontal strings of reed stamp circles. Traces of orange-red and cream pigments. b) Fragment, part of bowl side and base. Reed stamp circles and one band of horizontal and vertical strings. Traces of orange-red and cream pigment.
Fragment of a dark grey-brown ceramic with an incised and painted feline decoration on exterior surface. Brow area has two circles on each side of “T" whisker element. Nose in relief, "eye of god" motif, diagonal whiskers and reed stamped circles below mouth. Traces of red pigment and green paint?
Fragment of flaring sided grey-brown domestic bowl. Rounded base and partial burnished surface. Incomplete.
Grey-brown bowl with straight sides and a slight, flat base. Incised panels of geometrical decoration in red-brown and cream residue. Negative circular decoration between panel designs. Incomplete, partially restored.
Side of hemispherical gray-black burnished bowl (part a). Painted and incised band at rim with four incised and reed-stamped panels alternating with groups of three "S" shaped guilloche motifs. Traces of orange-red and cream paint. Breakages partially repaired. Side of bowl with painted and incised band at rim (part b). Incised and reed-stamped panels with four "S" shaped guilloche motifs. Partially repaired. Part of a bowl rim with incised and painted geometrical designs (part c). One reed is stamped in orange-red and there is one in hole in the orange-red vertical line. One "S" shaped design on side. Partially repaired. Part of a bowl rim (part d), with two reed stamps in orange-red and dark red-brown, and two holes in middle of surface. Painted and incised diagonal and horizontal lines. Cream residues.
Fragment of a grey-brown ceramic with flat base, gambrel sides and geometrical-incised decoration. Partially burnished surface. Traces of orange-red paint. Broken; partially repaired.
Grey-brown bowl fragment with three incised geometrical figures forming lobed guilloche motifs. Modelled manufacture; burnished surface. Partly repaired.
Rounded red-brown bowl fragment with flaring side (part a). Molded technique; burnished surface. Broken and partly repaired. Red-brown bowl fragment with flaring side is part b. Partially repaired.