Found 334 Refine Search items.
Found 334 Refine Search items.
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Double conical spout grey-brown bottle with double ovoid body, rounded base and bridge handle. Falcon head design in blind spout. Incised and painted feline geometrical mask on each lobe, reed stamps. Traces of red-brown pigment. Burnished surface. Molded and modeled manufacture. Breakage partially restored. A piece of the rounded base is part b. Another piece with incised and painted geometrical designs in red-brown paint is part c.
Grey-brown molded bottle fragment with a slightly rounded base. Brown area divided by central whisker and diagonal bands at each side with geometric serpentine band at centre, 0.8 cm reed stamp circles in interspaces. Brown-red triangular ears at end of brow band, two "eye of god" motifs. Central whisker below mouth, and forelegs to each side with a dotted square. Burnished surface. Breakage repaired.
Brown-gray bottle fragment with rounded base. Red brown painted bird decoration in blind spout with incised eyes, prominent nose and a hole as a mouth. 0.8 cm reed stamp circles in brown and red-brown divided by incised whisker element. Molded manufacture; burnished surface. Incomplete, breakage restored.
Flaring, brown slipped domestic bowl with convex base. Traces of brown-red paint. Burnished surface. Pieces had been glued together, but currently in two pieces.