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Doll in Cradle (Wi-ha Yas-to)03.325.3195
Spoon (Tom-ma-sho-koi) with Handle Carved in a Stepped Design03.325.3154
Kachina Doll (Nawikwoh Kokoh Thlama)07.467.8408
Kachina Doll (Powotampla?)03.325.4628
Kachina Doll (Lakwana Ottoh)07.467.8410
Kachina Doll (Apache)03.325.4611
Kachina Doll (Muloktakya or Mulok Takya)03.325.4633
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Kohana)03.325.4656
Kachina Doll (Kjaweya)03.325.4617
Kachina Doll (Kotemshe)07.467.8418
Kachina Doll (Ouah Thlama)07.467.8409
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Shelowa)03.325.4668
Kachina Doll (Lassaiyapona)07.467.8402
Kachina Doll (Chakwana)07.467.8441
Kachina Doll (Kanacho)07.467.8397
Kachina Doll (Mokjachepa)07.467.8424
Kachina Doll (Etatza Pona)07.467.8436
Kachina Doll (Schutawetsa Kweha)03.325.4637
Kachina Doll (Wi-ha Ya-mu-hak-do)03.325.3204
Kachina Doll (Hi-ti-lih)07.467.8407
Kachina Doll (Muhahaa)03.325.4621
Kachina Doll (Eto Pananona)07.467.8415
Kachina Doll (Ona Apona)07.467.8405
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Elapona)03.325.4666
Kachina Doll (Pa Kokoh)07.467.8420
Kachina Doll (Etetse Pona)03.325.4625
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Thata Shoktepona)03.325.4669
Kachina Doll (Muluk Takja)07.467.8435
Kachina Doll (Zum Tsehapa)03.325.4641
Kachina Doll (Uhuhu)07.467.8406
Antelope VesselX949.14
Effigy Vessel in the Shape of an AntelopeX898.10
Hollow Figure of a ChickenX949.3
Prayer Meal BowlX922.6
Vessel in the Shape of a Swimming DuckX898.6
Effigy Vessel in the Shape of a Man with a Hat on a HorseX898.11
Prayer Meal BowlX922.3
Prayer Meal BowlX922.5
Prayer Meal BowlX922.4
Kachina Doll1996.22.4
Embroidered Dance KiltX910
Four Legged Effigy Vessel in the Shape of a CowX898.4
Prayer Meal BowlX922.2
Vessel in Shape of a SteerX898.5
Food Bowl (To-ya-sa-lai)04.297.5261
Sash (for a Wedding)X389
Water Jar (Tai-lai)04.297.5259
Embroidered Dress43.201.193
Kachina Doll (Kjata Che)07.467.8411
Kachina Doll (Metotashla)07.467.8442
Kachina Doll (wi-ha)03.325.3201
Kachina Doll (Kuku-sheleh)07.467.8438
Kachina Doll (Bok-chi-a-la-kwai)03.325.3203
Kachina Doll (Tsemuche)07.467.8413
Women's Woven Belt43.201.28
Triangular Carved Bracket (Tset-tesh Kwim-nai)03.325.3489b
Kachina Doll (Hututu)03.325.4629
Sacred Prayer Bowl43.201.213
Kachina Doll (Wampeto)07.467.8426
Embroidered Belt43.201.181
Big Head Weed, (me-tse-na-how-wi) used to dye yarn red07.467.8454.2
Water Jar (Tai-lai)04.297.5248
Kachina Mask (Salomopea Thluptsena)03.325.4676
Kachina Doll (May-Kjappa)07.467.8399
Corrugated Jar03.325.4731
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Thleana)03.325.4662
Blanket (Ku-cha-ko-ha-na) or Cape (aduu)04.297.5314
Kachina Doll (Aseh Tasha)07.467.8433
Kachina Doll (Towitsinapa)03.325.4627
Owl Vessel01.1535.2190
Kachina Doll (Pa-li Tewa)03.325.4639
Kachina Doll (U-hu-u)03.325.4624
Kachina Doll (Ololoska)03.325.4619
Kachina Doll (Thleakwah)07.467.8419
Polychrome Jar (Tai-lai)04.297.5251
Kachina Doll (Salamopea Upoona)03.325.4665
Rattle (Chis-chi-nan-nai)04.297.5007
Kachina Doll (Kan-nachu)07.467.8437
Kachina Doll (Yamohakto)03.325.4638
Kachina Doll (Hahaah)07.467.8447
Siatosha Jar or Water Jar07.467.8395
Prayer Meal Bowl04.69
Kachina Doll (Salimopia Thleana Suna)03.325.4663
Water Jar (Tai-lai)04.297.5249
Toad Effigy Jar07.467.8298
Women's Belt (A-ni-shi-lo-wa)03.325.3376
Belt Loom with Partially Woven Belt (Ai-nin-pul-lan-nai)03.325.3140
Kachina Doll (Pakwen [Clown])03.325.4606
Carved Pilaster from Our Lady of Guadalupe04.297.5143
Altar Fetish (wei-ma hok-ti-ta-sha) representing black bear or mountain lion04.297.5052
Kachina Doll (Nahatesho)03.325.4615
Kachina Doll (Hamache)07.467.8398
Kachina Doll (Tsekohpastih)07.467.8439
Triangular Carved Bracket (Tset-tesh Kwim-nai)03.325.3489a
Part of Shalako Medicine Society Shrine or Galaxy Fraternity Altar, in 8 pieces03.325.4708a-h
Bow Priest's Cap30.797