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Babiche Bag50.2/2980
Case, Watch50.1/9709
Snare, Rabbit50.1/7738
Sinew, Piece50.1/7719
Bag, Legskins50.1/7717
Bag, Tea50.1/7716
String, Rawhide (Coiled)50.1/7715
Hook, Cinch50.1/7714
Case, Gun50.1/7713
Bag, Small50.1/7709
Knife, Crooked50.1/7708
Fungus (2 Pieces)50.1/7707
Gloves (Pair)50.1/7706 AB
Fire Steel50.1/7705
Scraper, Hide50.1/7704
Bag, Moose Skin50.1/7703
Rope, Moose Hide50.1/7702
Scraper, Hide50.1/7701
Gloves, New (Pair)50.1/7698 AB
Quirt, Braided50.1/7697