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Water Puppet3127/10 a

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of Ky Lan unicorn (or lion) character. Puppet is carved from wood and has a large head painted red, a wide gold and green nose, and a wide moveable mouth barring white teeth. Eyes protrude from a scowling brow in front of a curling gold and green mane. Eyebrows are fan shaped and multicoloured, attached to the face by fishing line. An iron tube is bolted to the head behind the mouth, to receive a handle. The midsection is made of fine plastic tubing to enable movement, and covered by red cotton fabric. The rump of the animal is wood, with moveable legs on each side and a raised tail of green, gold, and red curls at centre back. Tin is attached to the interior edges of the head and rump where they meet the red cotton midsection. Part b is a long wooden pole that serves as the handling stick (see 3127/10 b).

fig wood, metal, cotton fibre, paint, plastic and lacquer
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/9 a

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) ball, made of a light metal, painted in a pinwheel design in colours of gold, red and green. An iron bar is bolted to the ball which allows it to rotate around a long, plain, wooden handling stick (see 3127/9 b).

metal, paint and lacquer
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/8 a-b

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a dragon character. Puppet (part a) has a large head carved with small scales and painted green, a wide nose in gold, small side-set eyes with orange and white accents, and a wide mouth, open and showing two fangs at the outer corners. Two large fans sit to the back of the head. The body is made of six wood cylinders, each carved with scales and topped with fins. The cylinders are attached together with a bike chain hammered into the bottom of each, as well as thin plastic tubing, allowing the body to flex and move. A short wooden rod (part b) is used as a puppet handling stick and can be inserted into the puppet's neck in order to move the head.

fig wood, metal, plastic, paint and lacquer
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/7

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of Ky Lan unicorn (or lion) character. Puppet is carved from wood with a large head painted gold, a wide nose, and a fierce moveable mouth barring white teeth. Eyes protrude from a scowling brow in front of a curling mane. Eyebrows are fan shaped and multicoloured, attached to the face by fishing line. The midsection is made of plastic tubing to enable movement, and covered by red cotton fabric. The rump of the animal is wood, with moveable yellow legs to each side and a raised tail of green and red curls at centre back. Tin is attached to the interior edges of the head and rump where they meet the red cotton midsection.

lacquer, fig wood, cotton fibre, paint, tin metal and plastic
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/6

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a fairy character. Puppet carved from wood, with a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold, red and green, and long gold and red earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and layered skirts, with a long gold and green panel at front. The puppet’s arms are wood, covered with wide sleeves of white polyester edged with coloured sequins. They are lifted by pulling on a thin plastic tube that emerges from the base.

lacquer, fig wood, synthetic fibre, paint, plastic and metal
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/5

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a fairy character. Puppet carved from wood, with a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold, orange and green, and long gold and orange earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and layered skirts, with a long panel and bow at front. The puppet’s arms are wood, covered with wide sleeves of white polyester edged with coloured sequins. They are lifted by pulling on a thin plastic tube that emerges from the base.

synthetic fibre, paint, plastic, metal, lacquer and fig wood
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/4

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a fairy character. Puppet carved from wood with a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold, red and green, and long gold and red earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and layered skirts, with a wooden bow at front. The puppet’s arms are wood covered with wide sleeves of white polyester edged with coloured sequins. They are lifted by pulling on a thin plastic tube that emerges from the base.

lacquer, fig wood, synthetic fibre, paint, plastic and metal
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/3

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a fairy character. Puppet carved from wood, with a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold, red and green, and long gold and red earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and layered skirts, with a wooden bow at front. The puppet’s arms are wood covered with wide sleeves of white polyester edged with coloured sequins. They are lifted by pulling on a thin plastic tube that emerges from the base.

lacquer, fig wood, synthetic fibre, paint, plastic and metal
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/2

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a princess character. Puppet carved from wood, with a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold, red and green, and long gold and red earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and an elaborate belt with leaf panels at each side and a long layered panel at front. The puppet’s arms are wood covered with long, wide sleeves of blue polyester. Thin plastic tube emerges from the base, likely used to lift the arms at one time.

lacquer, fig wood, synthetic fibre, paint, plastic and metal
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Water Puppet3127/1 a-b

Water puppet (mua roi nuoc) of a princess character. Puppet consists of the body (part a) and separated head (part b). Carved from wood, the puppet has a white face, carved facial features emphasized with paint, a crown of painted petals in gold with a green forehead ring, and long gold and red earrings. She wears a full length robe with decorated shoulders and chest, tiered colourful skirts and a long layered panel and bow at front. The puppet’s arms and hands are wood, covered with long sleeves of blue polyester. Arms are lifted by pulling on a thin plastic tube that emerges from the base.

fig wood, synthetic fibre, metal, paint, plastic and lacquer
Made in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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