Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
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Deeply convex kidney-shaped gorget with holes at each upper edge. HB engraved and framed by zigzag square with feather design at each corner. Maker’s stamp below square.
Triangular Masonic-style brooch with irregular edge. 18 cutouts, of which 10 semi-circular, 6 rectangular and 2 diamond-shaped. Base has two bell-shaped protrusions. Some engraving still visible. Cross-pin. Maker’s mark in a square cartouche.
Heavy Lorraine Cross with clover leaf terminals. Thin engraved border, engraved star and curved lines. Hole in top terminal. Maker's stamp at intersection of upper bar.
Silver alloy beaver. Very heavy. Cross-hatching on tail. Detailing on legs and head. Cast nose ring. Maker's mark in rectangular cartouche on body.