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The painting on this feast spoon is expertly and elegantly done. The figure fits its somewhat difficult format without any apparent forcing or distortion of elements. Master artists of the Northwest Coast excelled in composition for awkward shapes or on complex, three-dimensional surfaces. This feast spoon is one of three in the collection of the Burke Museum. Lieutenant George Emmons, who collected this spoon, identified the creature on it as an eagle. (Holm, Spirit and Ancestor, 1987)

wood, maple wood and paint
Holding Institution
The Burke: University of Washington
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Northern wooden spoons are typically carved from a section of a small tree, using almost the entire cylinder of the wood. The shallow S-profile of the spoon runs through the block in such a way that the center of the tree is visible at two places in the spoon, once in the bowl near the tip and again at the base of the handle. This means that the wood grain at the tip and in the handle lies at an angle to the spoon's surface; when it is carved very thin, as here, the spoon is quite fragile. This spooon is one of three in the collection of the Burke Museum. Lieutenant George Emmons, who collected this spoon, identified the creature on it as a petrel. (Holm, Spirit and Ancestor, 1987)

wood, maple wood and paint
Holding Institution
The Burke: University of Washington
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Head Ornament1891.49.12

Chief's headdress with a carved frontlet and long train with ermine skins. [CAK 10/02/2010]

maple wood plant, haliotis shell, animal fur skin ermine, animal sinew, textile, bird feather flicker and animal part sea lion whisker and whale baleen
Made in
British Columbia Haida Gwaii, Canada
Holding Institution
Pitt Rivers Museum
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Tall, thin painted carving of Fisherwoman. Featured are a bird, a woman, a fish, and a second human face. The woman stands, with the bird's feet on her shoulders. The tail of the fish is in the bird's mouth and it bends down to touch the woman's head with it's mouth. The second face is at the base of the figure facing backward.

Iatmul: Simal
shell, maple wood and paint
Made in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Shaking the Crown BoneNb7.346 a-b

Sculptural installation in the form of two very large lahal sticks. Each is installed vertically, and rotates on a central axis. The 'male' stick (part a) has a wide copper band around its centre, with the Royal Proclamation of 1763 acid-etched into it. The 'female' stick (part b) has 5 copper inlay hands, each with a year acid-etched into it. Both have carved hands protruding from the main post - one pair of hands extend palm-up in the lower area; 8 fisted hands extend out, around the post, above the central area; one hand points downward from the upper area. Both sticks also have two colour-stained, wood veneer bands at each end, with inlaid abalone figures between them. The 'male' stick has 2 crown and 2 jester hat shapes between the top bands, and 2 trees and fish between the bottom bands. The 'female' stick has 2 trees and fish between its top bands, and 3 pairs of sticks between the bottom bands.

yellow cedar wood, yew wood, abalone shell, steel metal ?, mahogany wood, maple wood, copper metal, stain, lacquer, wax and adhesive
Made in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Spindle WhorlNbz898

Rounded wooden disc with hole in centre. The dorsal surface is slightly concave, while the ventral surface is convex with the central hole being the highest point. There are four lines incised into the convex side, directly around the central hole, which radiate out in four different directions. The wood is a reddish brown colour, and is darker in the area surrounding the opening for the spindle.

Coast Salish: Quwutsun' ?
maple wood
Made in
Koksilah, British Columbia, Canada ?
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Spoon with shallow scoop and long narow handle. The handle is carved with three Northwest Coast figures that are, from scoop upward, an inverted land otter, a human, and a bird (eagle or owl?).

maple wood and paint
Made in
Kitselas, British Columbia, Canada ?
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Gambling Game SticksNb642 a-m

Set of cylindrical gambling sticks with knobs on each end. (a) has three evenly spaced red lines around the circumference, at centre, crossed by a dark stain and three dark spots on one side. (b) has three evenly spaced thin black lines at centre and spots to one side. (c) has three evenly spaced red lines, a black line at one side and several spots at opposite end. One spot towards lines side. (d) has a black, red, then black line towards one end. (e) has three closely spaced thin black lines to one side; dark stains on this end. (f) has four red lines near centre; (g) has three black lines at centre with a black and a red shadow-like stains diagonally across centre; (h) has three faint red lines, evenly spaced at centre; (i) is stained red on one end with a black line towards centre and a shadowy black stain diagonally around centre. (j) has three red line near centre, a fourth red line near red stained end. Two white paint spots at this end. (k) has three red lines evenly spaced at centre and two black lines to one side. Stains near centre and white paint spots to one end. (l) has five spaced lines from centre, the outer two are thicker. (m) is undecorated.

Northwest Coast
pigment and maple wood ?
Made in
British Columbia, Canada
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Gambling Game SticksNb647 a-i

Game sticks composed of nine cylindrical sticks that have a small, raised round knob at each end, and faint black and red lines on a polished surface: a) one thin black line at one end, three equidistant thin red lines at centre, black staining; b) two thin black lines at one end, three equidistant red lines at centre, light black staining; c) plain, no design; d) plain, no design; e) three thin red equidistant lines at centre, three faint, red diagonal lines equally spaced over surface; f) thick black lines at one end, three thin, equidistant black lines at centre, light black staining around one end; g) slightly off-centre, thick black line is bordered by thin red lines; h) series of lines, one thin red, one thick black, thin red, thick red, two thin red; i) thick black lines border two wide red bands.

Northwest Coast
pigment and maple wood ?
Made in
British Columbia, Canada
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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Cylindrical handle that bulges around the upper portion and flares outward to a rounded knob. Carved rounded head is incised with a halibut that has two circular eyes.

Northwest Coast
maple wood ?
Made in
British Columbia, Canada ?
Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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