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Item Search

The item search helps you look through the thousands of items on the RRN and find exactly what you’re after. We’ve split the search into two parts, Results, and Search Filters. You’re in the results section right now. You can still perform “Quick searches” from the menu bar, but if you’re new to the RRN, click the Search tab above and use the exploratory search.

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Scraper, Stone45KT20/457
Mat Fragment45KT20/296
Bead, Plant45KT20/341.7
Unmodified Bird Bone45KT20/341.6
Unmodified Fish Bone45KT20/341.5
Unmodified Bone Fragment45KT20/341.4
Unmodified Bone Fragment45KT20/341.3
Unmodified Bone Fragment45KT20/341.2
Unmodified Bone Fragment45KT20/341.1
Unmodified Bone Fragment45KT20/413.2
Stone Tool45KT20/511
Modified Plant Material45KT20/418.2
Wood, Unmodified45KT20/413.1
Cordage Fragment45KT20/450
Cordage Fragment45KT20/452
Cordage Fragment45KT20/584
Cordage Fragment45KT20/554
Cordage Fragment45KT20/469.5
Cordage Fragment45KT20/469.4
Cordage Fragment45KT20/469.3