Found 13 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 13 items associated with Refine Search .
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Portrait of Haile Selassie. Gouache paint on thin cardboard. Portrait of a man fills the picture, shown from the waist up. Figure has a large head with dark hair and beard, and large eyes and nose. He wears a dark jacket with a green sash and medals on his chest, with a striped robe on his shoulders. Both hands grip a staff in front of him. Two crosses sit behind him in the upper corners of the painting, striped flags of Ethiopia flying below them. Cotton stitching in green and orange surround the portrait, along the edges of the cardboard. The back of the cardboard has a black and tan marbled pattern.
Painting on vellum. Image shows four standing hunters facing right, two large green snakes, two quivers of light blue arrows and three red and white bows carried among them. The men all wear loincloths, three white and one red. Bodies are drawn with black ink and red paint outlines, filled with a wash of black mixed with yellow-orange paint. The background is dark yellow, and a border of unpainted vellum surrounds the scene. Amharic inscription along right side of scene (translates to: "When the Negroes returned after killing basilisk").
Painting on vellum. Image is of a male walking at the front of a small procession, holding a blue and gold shield (gasha) in one hand and a spear in the other, wearing an animal skin cape over his green striped robe, and a curved knife on his belt. Empress Taytu, wearing a crown, walks behind, with a red, fringed umbrella held overhead, wearing a dark blue cloak and a garment with an embroidered hem. Next is a woman in a long white robe with a scarf, carrying a small container; then another man wearing an animal skin cape, holding a spear, with a curved knife hanging from his belt. A group of 5 men are mostly hidden from view behind him, holding spears. The background is dark orange-brown, with the figures and border outlined in green.