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Children's drawing on legal size off-white paper. The words "Viven en Paz" (live in peace) have been written in red felt marker at the top of the composition. A scene based along a road has been drawn below this text. The curved road runs from the upper left corner to the right side of the page, and the road has pink edges and purple lines down the middle. The scene contains a man on a horse, and large chicken or rooster, a lady holding a basket with a blue dress, a yellow house with a red roof, a single tree, and a small sign that is on the side of the road. Another scene below, with a similar horizontal composition, consists of a pink house with a yellow and brown roof, a large flower, a tree, and a human figure leading a large animal that resembles a horse or dog. There are four human figures waving with one hand below this scene, and they are all wearing blue tops, red sashes, and yellow bottoms. To the right of these figures are several inscriptions in blue pen ink: "nombre: Elvira petronila. apellido: Mendoza Mazar. años: once Cumplidos." The bottom of the page contains drawings of two signs displaying text. The top sign, being supported by two figures with blue tops, states "viva La paz." The sign below it states "viva La Solidaridad Internacional".

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Holding Institution
MOA: University of British Columbia
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