Found 3 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 3 items associated with Refine Search .
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The headdress, or headband, consists of two narrow orange pieces of fabric attached and decorated with metal discs and beads with a long braided tassel. One piece of fabric is longer than the other; the shorter piece has a red and pink embroidered panel in the centre. The pieces are attached in the centre. Along the outside edges of the larger piece thin metal discs are sewn. Smaller metal discs are sewn all over the shorter piece. Two strands of orange and yellow beads extend from the centre of the headdress, one in either direction. String and fabric loops and one red button extend from the centre piece. Attached to one of the string loops is a black braided tassel that branches into two brown and one orange tassels. The tassels are accented with orange and brown wrapped thread and black and white beadwork.
Long black dress with cross-stitch embroidery (tatreez تطريز). The dress has a square neckline with square chest panel embroidered with large multicoloured leaves and a red border. Down the long sleeves and around the sleeve ends are rows of multicoloured floral and jug(?) motifs. Down the lower front and back are vertical lines of multicoloured floral motifs. The inside is unlined.
A large, rectangular black fabric piece. Main design is consisting of a flower design at each corner. The central flower is red with either a dark blue or a dark purple centre and has pink stems radiating from it for smaller peripheral red flowers with yellow centres, and green leaves. The edges have a zig zag line of red, light pink, dark pink, white, dark blue, and green.