Found 2,458 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 2,458 items associated with Refine Search .
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One grey Cryptocrystalline Sillicate (CCS) biface fragment. Grant J. Snitker 5/2/2011
One brown Cryptocrystalline Sillicate (CCS) blank. K. Keizur, 7/17/2010
One red Cryptocrystalline Sillicate (CCS) core. Cortex present on one edge. K. Keizur, 7/15/2010
One basalt core. K. Keizur, 7/15/2010
One brown and grey Cryptocrystalline Sillicate (CCS) flake tool. K. Keizur, 7/15/2010
One orange, red, and pink CCS core. Grant J. Snitker 4/18/2011
One pink/white CCS corner notched projectile point base. Grant J. Snitker 4/18/2011
One red CCS core. Grant J. Snitker 4/18/2011
One dark brown CCS core. Grant J. Snitker 4/18/2011
One red CCS projectile point with corner notches and prominent tangs. Grant J. Snitker 4/18/2011