Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
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Black dress with multicoloured brocade. The neckline is squared with a deep 'v' in the centre, flanked by two white buttons. Around the neck are rectangular panels of diamond motifs in brown, yellow and white. The front of the dress and end of the sleeves have diamond motifs in pink, yellow, green, blue and white. The back of the dress is black with a brown linear trim along the bottom hem.
Band woven with red at the centre and a series of multicoloured patterns at each end. Finished with an oval multicoloured pompom and long multicoloured fringe at each end.
Blouse consisting of two rectangular, cotton, woven pieces hand sewn together using an overcast stitch of red and blue thread. The top, shoulder section of the panels are decorated with appliqué bands of yellow, green and blue bird-like figures following by a band of geometric shapes then another band of larger, birds. The appliqué is on a purple, yellow and red striped ground. The sides of the huipil are open and the middle has a scoop neck opening with blue, white and red detailing.
Blouse or huipil consisting of three rectangular, cotton, woven pieces hand sewn together using an overcast stitch of cream thread. The bottom portions of the panels are cream and undecorated. The top t-shaped, embroidered panel is decorated with sections of lozenge patterns, x shapes and figures in orange, blue, white, green, yellow, red, pink and light purple on a dark purple ground. Around the scooped neck is a pointed scallop-shaped trim in purple and orange chain stitches outlining black triangles. The sides are sewn together with the exception of arm holes. Pattern is the same on the back.