Found 26 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 26 items associated with Refine Search .
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Wooden spindle painted with black and red bands near pommel, surrounded by thin white bands. Slightly broken at ends.
Wooden spindle painted with black bands and light cream decoration in the interspace. Large split at one end; other end broken at point.
Textile doll wearing a yellow dress with horizontal red bands and one band of geometric spiral waves. Upper body has a beige band with brown geometric spirals (waves and step patterns). Hands of three fingers are up and made of a reed grass. Covered with light red dyed camelid threads. Rhomboid eyes with red and white circles in interior, light yellow face, two front red tassels as braids with two yellow knots each. Headdress with vertical bands in light blue, brown, white and black, cream coloured cotton and camelid threads. Interior textile at back of head has bird and geometric decorations, lower body interior has brown cloth with zigzag motif. Upper body has textile made of white wool and gauze.
Seated male figure. Horizontal holes through figure at both sides of neck. Male shown wearing circular ear spools and a high, square headdress. Hand-built ceramic used as a pendant.
Stirrup spout bottle with pedestal, in the shape and appearance of a chirimoya fruit. Small circles and vertical rectangles simulating fruit seeds cover body. False handle in horizontal position at tubular spout base. Well preserved.
Orange-brown vessel with ellipsoid body, slightly flat base, two false handles in horizontal position at both sides of short-tubular spout. Small in relief circles (goose skin technique) with in relief front warrior holding a long light yellow-white stick with left arm and a long-triangular stick with right arm (globular on top and two light yellow-white bands near base). Male is wearing a semi lunar headdress with two protrusions with five incised-curved lines on each one. Three curved light yellow-white bands at the superior part of back surface. Slightly broken.
Sculptural vessel of kneeling warrior. Stirrup spout at his back in vertical position. Male with elongated eyes and nose in high relief, wearing a forehead band of two discs with incised circles, another disc in left arm with incised circle; vertical hole in right hand. Incised spirals and flat, square surface below stirrup spout. Molded and hand built ceramic. Polished surface. Well preserved.
Sculptural vessel (part a) with male figure, stirrup at his back in vertical position and polished surface. Seated man with hands to front wearing a cream coloured vest with grey dots, and a square hood. Elongated eyes, diagonal incision in forehead and cream horizontal marks below eyes. Red-brown slip and cream paint. Molded and hand built ceramic. Tubular spout (broken off--part b) with thick rim.
Bottle with stirrup spout with globular body and ring base. Orange-brown slip with cream decoration. Three panels with high relief profile dogs, divided by bands of pyramids with step pattern at sides, and zigzag designs. Well preserved.
Vase like jar with flat base, globular body and long spout. Spout has slightly everted sides at top, below thick rim. Four low panels with dots and pelicans in relief (two without wings). Molded manufacture; polished surface. Well preserved.