Found 26 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 26 items associated with Refine Search .
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Polychrome jar with slightly rounded base. Wide-mouthed, tall cylindrical body. Five painted horizontal bands: (1) fourteen stepped motif in grey and orange-brown paint near rim on cream ground; (2) ten circles in orange-brown and white paint on black ground; (3) triangular motif in orange-brown, light beige, red-brown, cream and grey; (4) ten circles in orange-brown and white paint on black ground; (5) six trophy heads with long black hair and orange-brown faces, divided by vertical orange-brown lines on cream ground. Polished surface; molded manufacture.
Vessel with globular body, rounded base and short spout with slightly everted rim. Painted and geometrical-incised decoration near rim of a human face with nose and ears in relief, rectangular eyes with horizontal lines inside as pupils, short vertical lines below nose as mouth and long-thin hands to front; incised dots in ears and nose. Red and yellow-white paint. Burnished surface; molded manufacture.
Jar with globular body and rim. Feline decoration on spout neck, with applied head, legs and tail around front and back of body of jar. Bands with geometrical spirals in middle body and on strap side handles. Cream slip and black paint decorations. Burnished surface; molded and hand built ceramic. Complete.
Bottle with ellipsoidal and flattened body, long tubular-wide spout and two strap-side handles. Geometric decoration in spout, inverted triangles below spout, three horizontal lines in handles and four vertical lines in body at both sides of handles. Light cream slip and black decoration. Worn but unbroken.
Very small polychrome cup with long tubular body and rounded base and rim. Body has three humming birds in profile with three curved bands in their tail and long-thin beaks. Band in rim is red-brown and outlined in black on one side. Birds are in a vertical position and are painted in grey, orange-brown and red-brown, outlined in black, cream ground. Polished surface; molded manufacture. Repaired; chip out of rim.
Deer effigy burnished bottle with single globular-tubular spout, strap-bridge handle and horizontal tubular body with two flattened sides. Terracotta with negative geometrical decoration consisting of two bands of three crosses at both sides of body, square band with negative dots in animal chest and vertical lines in bridge handle. Circular ears, elongated eyes, incised mouth and in relief snout. Eight holes in head and tail as strap handle in vertical position.