Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 4 items associated with Refine Search .
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Swamp grass basket (a) with lid (b); lid features a knob-like handle in the centre. Lid: wrapped twined weave. Base: plain twined and wrapped twine weave sides. Designs on lid: spirals in green, yellow, and red from center with complex concentric band. Designs around sides: five bird figures around sides (in purple and red) with complex bands in purple with yellow and green obliques. Lid is indented from basket sides.
Small, square swamp grass basket (a) with flat, fitted lid (b); lid features a central button type handle. Basket and lid are decorated with multicoloured, encircling bands of linear patterning in red, green, yellow and purple. Base: checker work. Sides: wrapped twined weave with folded warp border (lid done in four sections).
A green and pink beaded oval-shaped necklace with alternating rows of colour attached with a metal bead at the end of one of the extensions. The extensions are made up of dark and light blue beads. Brown fibre is used overall to bead the necklace.
A dark blue and pale pink beaded oval-shaped necklace with alternating rows of colour attached with a metal bead at the end of one of the extensions. The extensions are made up of dark and light blue beads. Brown fibre is used overall to bead the necklace.