Found 693 Refine Search items.
Found 693 Refine Search items.
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Long, carved argillite panel pipe with a trading ship's "block-and-tackle" motif. At the front, a dog has a rope around its neck and is straining forward. Near the centre, facing the opposite direction, a man with a stylized Haida face is shown with his back arched, also straining or caught in the running gear. Flower designs on each side. (There is a white sticker inside the top hole.)
The paint is white, red, green, and black.
Metal double-barbed point (part a) with a bark-covered fore-shaft, fitted into a sinew-wrapped reed (part b). The arrow is a series of reed and wood fitted together and glued with black pitch. The reed sections have further pitch-blackened sinew wrapping at the centre, end, and near the bark fore-shaft.
item is from the Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers founding collection
The pigment is black.
Disk shaped bead with uniform center hole. C.Shiung 12/08/2003.
Disk shape of varying thickness. Chip on outside. Hole drilled from both ends, and is off center. C.Shiung 12/08/2003.