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Waterbottle or Jar02.257.2396
Ladle or Spoon02.257.2603
Jar or Pot02.257.2323
Jar Handle or Small Vessel03.325.11027
Bowl or Cup02.257.2606
Canteen or Jar02.256.2823
Wedding Sash or Girdle05.588.7163
Headdress, almost whole or Textile Fragment, undetermined41.430
Mantle or Tunic, Fragment1995.47.129
Calendar Belt (Chumpi Calendario) or (Faja Calendario)2002.62.15
Discontinuous Warp or Scaffolding Sampler2002.62.8
Poncho, Almost Whole or Mantle Converted to a Poncho, Fragment32.1457
Mantle, Fragment or possible Hanging, Fragment36.405
Tunic?, Fragment or Tunic, Waistband, Fragment67.159.49
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable or Mantle, Corner Tassel, Fragment30.1206
Armband or Bracelet1997.174.2
Maniple or stole44.61.1c
Stole or maniple44.61.1f
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable or Headband?, Fragment34.558.2
Caparison or saddle trappings (Anquera)45.38.1
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable or Headband?, Fragment34.558.1
Mantle, Fragment or Tunic, Fragment64.114.172
Bowl or Cup (Tetsa)03.325.3789
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable or Mantle?, Fragment67.159.61
Kachina Doll (Ptotsana or Petetessna)04.297.5330
Kachina Doll (Muloktakya or Mulok Takya)03.325.4633
Kachina Doll (Talano or Talawo [Dawn])04.297.5539
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable (NK) or Mantle, Fragment or Hanging, Fragment (AR)70.177.63
Poncho Fragment or Textile86.224.95
Textile or Mantle Fragment86.224.97
Tunic, Fragment or Textile Fragment, Undetermined70.177.27
Hat Fragment, Cap, or Hairnet86.224.92
Loincloth, Fragment or Textile Fragment, unassertainable86.224.130
Belt or possible Headband86.224.182
Charm or ToggleX705.1
Quilled Panel, possibly from the side of a box or a seat cover68.217.2
Women's Germantown Shoulder Blanket or Saddle BlanketX670
Hollow Billet for game or Needle Case67.26.12
Box or Drum with Painted DesignX844.3a-b
possible Funerary False Head, Fragment or Mummy Mask86.224.123
A "Jewel" or Gift Basket73.65
Shaman's Charm or Soul Catcher73.110
Kachina Doll (Payatimu or Ana)04.297.5547
Shawl or Veil67.240.4
Bowl (or fragment?)97.14
Cottonwood Image or Hopi Doll06.331.7887
Woman's Pano or Cape40.738
Stirrup Spout Vessel with Priest or Deity41.1275.81
Textile, complete, undetermined or Mantle41.1275.111
Mantle or Dress41.1275.109
Goblet or Kero cup44.98
Pin or Tupu41.1275.291
Pin or Tupu41.1275.265
Grinding Stone or Mano34.5261
Rattle used by Singer or Medicine Man03.325.3637
Kachina Doll (Palhikmana) or Stick04.297.5531
Blanket (Ku-cha-ko-ha-na) or Cape (aduu)04.297.5314
Ceremonial Beaker or Kero Cup64.210.1
Siatosha Jar or Water Jar07.467.8395
Mantle or Turban34.1590
Chief's Rattle or Bird Rattle05.588.7260
Blouse or Mola2010.23.4
Woman's Blouse or Huipil2005.15.1
Vessel or Pedestal Plate63.152
Tunic, Unku (?) Fragment (NK) or Hanging, Fragment or Mantle (?) Fragment (AR)30.1448
Tunic or Unku41.1275.106
Textile, Undetermined or possible Bag, Fragment70.177.9
Textile or Mantle Fragment86.224.96
Textile Fragment, Unascertainable or Mantle, Fragment30.1205
Textile fragment or Mantle, Field, fragment, mounted on modern fabric34.560.2
Textile Fragment Mounted on Modern Fabric, undetermined, or Mantle, Field, Fragment, Mounted on Modern Fabric34.560.3
Striped Cape (Aduu) or Blanket05.588.7170
Metate or Stool31.1690
Slingshot Club or PounderX1110.2
Ritual Spatula or Swallow Stick1997.175.1
Poncho, Fragment or Tunic, Fragment30.1477
Poncho or Tunic34.1579
Mask with Skirt (Mascara or Diassol)64.214.9
Mantle?, Fragment or Textile Fragment, Unidentified34.1586
Mantle, Small or Mantle?34.1585
Mantle, Fragment or Textile Fragment, Undetermined30.1185
Mantle, Fragment or Textile Fragment, Undetermined34.554
Mantle, Fragment or Mantle34.1552
Mantle, Fragment (NK) or Mantle?, Fragment or Carrying Cloth?, Fragment (AR)70.177.5
Mantle, Fragment or Carrying Cloth, Fragment34.553
Mantle or Turban34.1591
Knitted Hat or Ch'ullu2002.62.1
Headcloth?, Fragment or Mantle, Fragment34.1542a-e
Headcloth or Turban34.1587
Gold Spatula or Dipper for Lime35.192
Fragment of Tunic or Tabard34.577
Fragment of Mantle or Poncho1997.56.2
Figure of Man or Woman34.5181
False Head for Burial Bundle or Mummy Mask41.428
Cup or Chalice38.583
Cup or Chalice38.581
Cup or Chalice38.582
Ceremonial Beaker or Kero64.210.3
Casket or Small Cabinet47.116.1
Carved Figure or Nuchu (Kuna)70.154.1