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Spindle Whorl3621/3 a-b
Rotating Disk With Spindle, For Maskette16/1412 A
Spindle Shaft16/9220 B
Spindle Whorl16/9220 A
Spindle Whorl3157/138
Spindle Whorl3157/135 a-h
Spindle Whorl3157/134
Copper Repousse Whorl2015-18/1
Spindle Whorl2012-100/40
Spindle Whorl2012-100/20
Spindle Shaft1-10612
Spindle Whorl3177/15
Spindle Whorl3177/14
Spindle Whorl2990/898
Spindle Whorl2990/897
Fire Drill SpindleE/615 B
Spindle Whorl2990/855 a-d
Spindle Whorl2990/846 a-c
Spindle Whorl2990/845 a-d
Spindle with WhorlX1209
Spindle Whorl2990/935
Spindle without Whorl, whole or Spindle with Cotton Yarn, Fragment42.26.3
Spindle and Whorl, Fragment64.114.31
16 Spindles64.114.35a-p
9 Spindle Shafts or Spindles64.114.36a-i
Spindle, Fragment64.114.34
Spindle and Whorl, Fragment64.114.27
5 Spindle Fragments64.114.38
Spindle, Fragment64.114.30
Spindle and Whorl, Fragment64.114.26
Spindle and Whorl, Fragment64.114.29
Spindle and Whorl Fragment64.114.32
Spindle, Fragment64.114.28
Spindle Fragment64.114.33
Spindle with Whorl42.26.4a-b
Spindle Whorl64.114.43
Spindle Whorl64.114.42
Spindle Whorl64.114.40
Spindle Whorl64.114.41
Spindle with Whorl36.471.7a-b
Spindle Whorl64.114.44
Fragment, Tuno? or possibly Spindle Whorls36.471.6