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Wooden spindle and whorl consisting of a disc with a central hole (part a) and long wooden spindle (part b). The whorl is convex on one side, and flat on the other. The spindle shaft narrows at each end, and one end is wider than the other.
Small piece of wood, which tapers to points at both ends. There is a section of light brown reed or grass wrapped around the centre of the shaft.
Small piece of wood, which tapers to points at both ends. There is light reddish-brown cotton fibre ? loosely wrapped around the centre of the shaft.
Small stone spindle whorl. Disc-shaped with an grooved centre around the side.
Eight small stone spindle whorls. Spindle whorl (part a) is light orange, is tiered with a cone-like base. There are concentric rings around the exterior. Spindle whorl (part b) is cone-like in shape with a wide hole through the centre. It is reddish brown in colour with small black flecks. The exterior is polished smooth. Spindle whorl (part c) is dark reddish brown in colour. The base is wider than the upper section, and features an indented angular mid-section around the side. The top is rounded, while the base is flat. Spindle whorl (part d) is dark reddish brown in colour. The base is wider than the upper section, and features an indented angular mid-section around the side. The top and base are both flat. Spindle whorl (part e) is light orange and disc-shaped. It features vertical incised lines around the side. Spindle whorl (part f) is dark grey-brown with a repeating triangular design incised around the side. Spindle whorl (part g) is reddish-brown and semi-spherical. The exterior is polished and there are concentric rings on the bottom. Spindle whorl (part h) is light orange and semi-spherical. There are concentric rings on the bottom and on the side.
Large stone spindle whorl with incised designs. It is cone-shaped with a flattened top and a hole through the centre. The base is smooth and undecorated.