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round with two handles, floral design.

Coast Salish: Sto:lo
cedar wood
Holding Institution
Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre
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round with two handles; floral design inside, arrowhead design on sides. Coiled weave base, slated sides.

Coast Salish: Sto:lo
cedar wood
Holding Institution
Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre
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slat woven rectangular tray twith two handles; cedar with cherry bark and wild grass stem decoration

Coast Salish: Sto:lo
cedar wood
Holding Institution
Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre
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oval tray with two handles. Diagonal lines symbolize running water.

Coast Salish: Sto:lo
cedar wood
Holding Institution
Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre
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oval tray with two handles

Coast Salish: Sto:lo
cedar wood
Holding Institution
Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre
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Tray for Hallucinogenic Snuff74.176

Carved wood trays were used by ancient Andean people for the mixing of hallucinogenic snuff made from the pod seeds of the Anadenanthera tree. When inhaled through the nose with tubes, the snuff produced ecstatic trances that enabled shamans to communicate with spirits and ancestors. This carved snuff tray from northern Chile is decorated with two kneeling anthropomorphic foxes. The depressions in the eyes probably once held turquoise inlays. The figures’ pose and tunics decorated with incised designs suggest that they are supernatural beings.

Las tablillas de madera tallada eran usadas por los antiguos habitantes de los Andes para mezclar polvos alucinógenos hechos de las vainas y semillas del árbol Anadenanthera. Al inhalar a través de la nariz con tubos, el polvo producía trances extáticos que permitían al chamán comunicarse con espíritus y ancestros. Esta bandeja tallada para inhalar del Norte de Chile está decorada con dos figuras de zorros antropomórficos. Las depresiones en los ojos probablemente contenían incrustaciones de turquesa. La pose de las figuras y las túnicas decoradas con diseños incisos sugieren que se trata de seres sobrenaturales.

Holding Institution
Brooklyn Museum
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Frank Sherman Benson Fund and the Henry L. Batterman Fund

Holding Institution
Brooklyn Museum
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(Tray) Batea41.227

At banquets and other social occasions, mostradores—flights of steps covered with rich textiles (seen at upper left of illustration)— displayed a household’s finest and most valuable objects. These pieces of furniture were particularly ideal for showcasing silver and gilt-silver trays. Imported porcelain, glass, ivory, and lacquer objects were also ostentatiously exhibited, alongside locally made lacquerware and earthenware cups. In Mexico, round lacquerware trays (bateas), often decorated with religious and mythological subjects, coats of arms, or chinoiserie (Chinese motifs), were particularly prized.

Mostradores were also temporarily assembled in the family chapels of local churches, where the elite would display their costly possessions during important religious ceremonies such as the baptism of a new heir.


En banquetes y otros eventos sociales, los mostradores—estantes de forma escalonada cubiertos con lujosos textiles (ver en la parte superior izquierda de la ilustración)—servían para lucir los objetos más finos y valiosos de la casa. Estos muebles eran especialmente idóneos para exhibir platería y objetos de plata dorada. Piezas de porcelana importada, vidrio, marfil y objetos en laca también eran ostentosamente expuestos, junto a loza vidriada y vasos de arcillas aromáticas de producción local. En México, las bandejas redondas de laca (bateas), a menudo decoradas con temas religiosos y mitológicos, escudos de armas o chinoiserie (adornos chinos), eran especialmente apreciadas.

Los mostradores también se montaban temporalmente en las capillas familiares de las iglesias locales, donde la élite exhibía sus bienes más preciados durante las ceremonias religiosas importantes como el bautismo de un nuevo heredero.

painted wood with inlaid lacquer decoration
Holding Institution
Brooklyn Museum
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Basketry Tray2.5E1164
Basketry Tray1-847