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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Basket (a) with upright handle and separate lid (b). Body of basket is plaited, weft has zigzag appearance over wider horizontal warps. Border and footed twisted withe-like elements; fine wicker work above foot; handle is bamboo slats, wrapped with twisted elements at corners and on either side of wrapped circle on top. Brown overall with multi-coloured floral and bird design. Rooster and chrysanthemums on one side and a crested, long-tailed bird (pheasant?) with gardenia like flowers on the other. Handle, green outside, natural inside and warp ties (some red); border and base remnants of red; wicker work blue and white. Five wrapped bamboo strips, reinforced base. Lid has convex plaited top, rim as basket border, wicker work between, colour as basket. Painted design, blue vase with gardenia-like flowers; vegetables (?) in a basket on right and ceramic dish on left; two red and white fruit (persimmons?) to right.

History Of Use

Carrying basket of the style made and used by the Teo Chiu for serving food, particularly for special occasions.

Cultural Context

for carrying

Iconographic Meaning

Roosters represent a year in the calendar, as well as courage, and the warmth and light of the universe. Pheasants ? represent beauty and good fortune. Persimmons ? are a symbol of joy. Gardenias symbolize the 11th month and chrysanthemums represent the 10th month as well as retirement, ease, and jovaility. The flower vase symbolizes maintenance of peace.

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