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The single eagle figure is presented in primarily black form line with red secondary features against a light brown background providing negative space in the design. The head of the eagle is in profile and facing to the right side. Has a black ovoid eye, a black beak with red u forms and red lips with red u forms behine. The wings hang down on each side of the figure. Each wing has a black ovoid and red u forms across the top with red and black s-shapes, u forms, split u's, and t-shapes below. The middle section is in the form of a human face that has black ovoid eyes with black brows above, a black nose, red cheks, and a red mouth. The legs are at either sides bent at the knees with three-digit claws that vace a circle at the centre. A cross surmounts the tail feathers. There are six tail feathers with the four innermost having red u forms surrounded by a black one and the two outermost feathers, one at each side, being just plain black. Pencil insciption across the botton reads '53/150 3/6/76 EAGLE (LARHSGEER) ISAIAH 40:31Roy Henry Vickers TSIMSHIAN TRIBE KITKATLA B.C.'. The print in on a horizontally rectangular, brown paper piece.

History Of Use

This silkscreen print is an example of the application of aspects of traditional two-dimensional Northwest Coast design to contemporary graphic arts.

Iconographic Meaning

As a traditional crest figure the eagle symbolizes strength and prestige. The artist has incorporated biblical symbolism from Isaiah 40:13 with reference to the eagle. The four way split above the tail is a Christian cross.

Cultural Context

contemporary art


The eagle is a crest animal of the artist's family.

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