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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MAA: University of Cambridge. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Large quartzite adze blade with grooved neck and large chip broken from blade. Good.
The Accession Register entry reads A finely ground adze blade, wedge-shaped, with thick square-sided blade, the upper side of which is convex and curves to the square cutting edge; its flat under surface extends to the butt end: its upper surface, boldly convex, double-stepped and broadly channelled, is set back from the actual blade. J.Somerville 19/8/2005.'


In 1994 Dr George MacDonald, of the Canadian Museum of Civilisation, suggested that the adze was not Northwest Coast, but did not suggest an alternative. The original European tribal names and, where possible, current tribal names have both beengiven in separate GLT fields.; Exhibited: Old Anthropological displays at CUMAA, case M.12 dismantled 14081986.
' Accession Register reads ?Central America. Bought Webster's Sale 1907. Original card [in archaeology catalogue] has small sketch. Central America added to ' place' field. J.Somerville 19/8/2005.'

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