Man's Pipe
Item number E1648-0 from the National Museum of Natural History.
Item number E1648-0 from the National Museum of Natural History.
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FROM CARD: "ILLUS.: THE SPIRIT SINGS. CATALOGUE, GLENBOW-ALBERTA INST., 1987, #A89, P. 129."Source of the information below: Inuvialuit Pitqusiit Inuuniarutait: Inuvialuit Living History, The MacFarlane Collection website, by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC), Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada (website credits here ), entry on this artifact , retrieved 12-17-2019: Pipe with a copper bowl attached to a stem made of wood. The upper part of the bowl is cone-shaped with eight facets on the exterior. It has a shallow concavity at the top, with a hole that continues through to the stem. The pipe stem is curved and split in two longitudinal sections that have been bound together with a thong made of hide, which also wraps around a flange at the base of the bowl, fastening it to the stem. A copper pick is attached to the pipe by a hide thong to which a blue bead and a brass button are also attached. The pick has a series of flanges at one end to provide a grip, and is slender and pointed at the other end. More information here: Inuvialuit first obtained pipes and tobacco in the 1800s through indigenous trade networks that stretched through Alaska and as far as Siberia. The MacFarlane Collection includes twenty pipes of this northern style. The bowls are made from metal, wood or stone, and with one exception the pipes have curved wooden stems split along their length and held together with a skin or sinew wrapping. Commonly a pick used for tamping tobacco and cleaning the bowl is attached to the pipe.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the National Museum of Natural History. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
FROM CARD: "ILLUS.: THE SPIRIT SINGS. CATALOGUE, GLENBOW-ALBERTA INST., 1987, #A89, P. 129."Source of the information below: Inuvialuit Pitqusiit Inuuniarutait: Inuvialuit Living History, The MacFarlane Collection website, by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC), Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada (website credits here ), entry on this artifact , retrieved 12-17-2019: Pipe with a copper bowl attached to a stem made of wood. The upper part of the bowl is cone-shaped with eight facets on the exterior. It has a shallow concavity at the top, with a hole that continues through to the stem. The pipe stem is curved and split in two longitudinal sections that have been bound together with a thong made of hide, which also wraps around a flange at the base of the bowl, fastening it to the stem. A copper pick is attached to the pipe by a hide thong to which a blue bead and a brass button are also attached. The pick has a series of flanges at one end to provide a grip, and is slender and pointed at the other end. More information here: Inuvialuit first obtained pipes and tobacco in the 1800s through indigenous trade networks that stretched through Alaska and as far as Siberia. The MacFarlane Collection includes twenty pipes of this northern style. The bowls are made from metal, wood or stone, and with one exception the pipes have curved wooden stems split along their length and held together with a skin or sinew wrapping. Commonly a pick used for tamping tobacco and cleaning the bowl is attached to the pipe.
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