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Woodblock print, Ichikawa Jukai III in the role of Shirai Gonpachi. Man in a purple kimono on a black background. The man is facing forward with his head turned to his right. The purple kimono is lined with red and green, and has two white number signs in a circle. His left hand holds fabric of the kimono on his right upper arm, while his right hand is holding a sword. There are some grey leaves behind him. The background is black and silver-coloured. In the upper left corner, there are two grey characters with a vertically rectangular, red seal below. Along the lower edge are some grey characters. The print is vertically rectangular. Comes in a light brown folder titled 'GENDAI BUTAI GEIKA: LEADING FIGURES OF THE MODERN STAGE / IN THEIR MOST FAMOUS ROLES - No. 3'.


This print, Gonpachi, sandai-me Ichikawa Jukai (権八 三代目市川壽海) is listed as No. 3 from the series Gendai Budtai Geika (現代舞台藝華/ Leading Figures of the Modern Stage in Their Most Famous Roles). The series consists of twelve prints, published by Banchōrō (番蝶楼) and printed by Miyake Kōshodō (三宅耕書堂). Tokyo publisher Banchōrō was active before World War II and into the 1950s. The print is signed 雅光 (Masamitsu) with his seal on the top right. On the bottom margin, the series name appears first, followed by the print title, publisher's mark, and printer's mark. The print number is embossed in lower right as 153 [of the limited edition of 200].

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