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Print of men fishing in a river near a bridge in Ochanomizu (御茶の水). Mt Fuji appears in the background to the left side. The bridge is covered with a building on the right side on a green hill. Three men are fishing from the hill while two men are fishing in the river. In the upper right the series title and number in Japanese, 江戸名所道戯尽 四 (Edo meisho dōke dukushi, yon; Comical Views of Famous Places in Edo, No.4) appears in the red vertical rectangular. Next to it is the title, 御茶の水の釣人 (Ochanomizu no turibito; Fishermen at Ochanomizu) in the pink indented fan shape. In the lower left corner, there is a red vertical rectangular with the artist signature, 廣景画 (Hirokage ga) with a circular black censor seal (改印; arateme-in) above. There is a publisher’s seal of 辻岡屋 (Tsujiokaya) at the bottom left. The print is vertically rectangular.


This print by Utagawa Hirokage (歌川広景) is entitled, Edo meisho dōke zukushi, yon, Ochanomizu no turibito (江戸名所道戯尽 四 御茶の水の釣人; The Comical Views of Famous Places in Edo series, no. 4, Fishermen at Ochanomizu). The Edo meisho dōke zukushi series, originally published in 1859-1861 consists of fifty works. The print is signed 廣景画 (Hirokage-ga) and above his signature is a circle censor seal (改印; arateme-in) of 未正改 (hitsuji sho aratame; goat 1 aratame). It was published by Tsujiokaya Bunsuke (辻岡屋文助) and marked with Tsujiokaya (辻岡屋) at the bottom left.

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