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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Print called: Kabuki actor Kawarazaki Gonjūrō as Musashibō Benkei. Shows an actor in a brown kimono with a white and yellow wheel-like pattern. The man is facing forward with his head turned to the left side. The background is black. In the upper left corner, there is a large, vertically rectangular, red, white, and green seal with a smaller red one next to it and a smaller white on below with a circular white one next to it. In the upper right corner, there is a vertically rectangular white seal with a red and yellow one next to it. The print is vertically rectangular overall.


The print is signed Kunichika ga (国周画) in in a Toshidama waku (年玉枠) or cartouche on the top right. Next to his signature is a seal of the publisher, Daikichi, Fukagawa Nakamachi (大吉、深川仲町). On the left top, the title appears in two columns, Musashibō Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶) on the right and Kawarazaki Gonjūrō (河原崎権十郎) on the left (Kabuki actor Kawarazaki Gonjūrō as Musashibō Benkei). Below the title is a recutangulr seal of of the carver, Horichō (彫長), referring to Katada Chōjirō (片田 長治郎) and a round censorship seal known as kiwame-in (極印). Carver: Katada, Chōjirō (片田 長治郎); publisher: Daikichi, Fukagawa Nakamachi (大吉、深川仲町).

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