Found 782 items associated with Refine Search .
Found 782 items associated with Refine Search .
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Cylindrical basket with painted Wasgo (sea wolf) imagery around the side in black with faded white, red and blue details. The upper border is elaborated with geometric designs created through a raised pattern of skip-stitch twining.
Small, cylindrical swamp grass trinket basket (a) with flat, fitted lid (b). Sides: two-man canoe with three birds in flight. Lid: four-part geometric design. Wrapped twined weave with very thick pieces of grass. Colours: turquoise, orange, purple, yellow.
Square swamp grass basket (a) with a square lid (b). Multicoloured linear patterning around the sides and lid: black, green, orange, and pink.
Print called "Russo-Japanese war nishiki-e broad picture no.1, a great sea battle outside the Port of Lushun (Port Arthur)". Naval scene, with two men on deck of ship firing on another in background. Colours are blue-green, black, red, yellow and grey.
Print called "Russo-Japanese war nishiki-e broad picture no.1, a great sea battle outside the Port of Lushun (Port Arthur)". Naval scene, with men on deck, smoke and an explosion in foreground. Predominant colours are blue, green, black and orange, and yellow. Japanese characters at the top right corner indicate that it is an illustration of the Japanese navy.
Print showing a scene of school children listening to a man in uniform looking at a picture on the wall. Woman behind are attending an infant. Colours are white, blue, orange, pink, yellow, brown, green, grey and black. Black Japanese characters and red symbol in upper left corner, red characters at bottom right corner. The mount is marked "Made in Japan".
Farmers working in a field. Infant under an umbrella closeby. Tall trees and grasses in background. Colours are green, blue, black, red, brown, yellow, and red. Black Japanese characters and red symbol in bottom left corner; signed麦風 (Bakufū) and B. Ohno with the artist seal, 麦風 (Bakufū). The mount is marked "Made in Japan".
Two magnolias, one purple with yellow stamens, the other white with pink and yellow center. Leaves, stems, and yellow butterfly in background. Colours are blue, yellow, brown, green, white, pink, purple, yellow and black. Black Japanese characters and red symbol in bottom right corner, and red characters in image border; signed麦風 (Bakufū) and B. Ohno with the artist seal, 麦風 (Bakufū). The mount is marked "Made in Japan".
Winter scene of house, garden, and water. Black Japanese characters and red symbol in bottom left corner of image, and red characters on image border. Colours are green, blue, grey, brown, and white. Signed麦風 (Bakufū) and B. Ohno with the artist seal, 麦風 (Bakufū). The mount is marked "Made in Japan".
Print of a man and woman (farmers) in the rain, sheltering under a tree, with fields in the background. Main colours are green, brown, blue, yellow, pink, and white. The artist’s stylized seals appear at the lower left corner, in red, on the image. The red Japanese characters in the lower right margin are the seals of the publisher, printer and carver. The paper mount is stamped "Made in Japan".