
Shown below are items associated with Philip Janze available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA and The PAM.

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Janze was born in Hazelton, but grew up in Bella Bella. It was in Bella Bella that he became interested in Northwest Coast design. He began engraving designs on beaten-out dimes and quarters after seeing Stanley George's work. Largely self-taught, Janze began studying jewelry design in 1963, and working artistically in 1970. He graduated from BCIT in Business Administration. He was influenced by Norman Tait, Gerry Marks, Vernon Stephens, Ron Hamilton and Francis Williams. "He recognizes the feeling for the art and ways of life of the native people that was generated in him by his grandmother Flora Martin; she was a great influence on his moral code of living" (MOA library). Flora Martin (Gitksan) was the curator of the Museum in Hazelton and did a series of tapes for CBC in 1956-58. Janze worked with both traditional and contemporary designs and his work can be found in numerous collections in Canada and the US. Janze won the "Canadian Jeweler Award" in 1982 and in 1984.

Born: 1950-01-08
Died: 2016-06