
Shown below are items associated with John Cross available without first logging in. This person appears in records from The AMNH, MOV, MOA, The Burke, and Penn Museum.

Knowledge shared by institutions

John Cross (Neeslant), Na 7yuu 7aans xaaydaraay Eagle Clan, was an Eagle chief from Skidegate, but was born at Chaatl. He was closely related to William Dixon and carvers Pat and Denny Dixon and Nelson Cross are his grandsons. John Cross is noted for his poles in slate and wood. Cross was first trained in tattooing in the 1870s and later turned his interests on argillite carving and metal jewelry. No argillite carvings were signed, the few that are, were written about by collectors. Cross was also one of seventeen Haida artists who were noted as having worked on a set of 29 model houses from Skidegate that were commissioned for the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893.

Born: 1867
Died: 1939