P William Edwin Collison
Information provided by RRN Members and Institutions
Information provided by RRN Members and Institutions
Shown below are items associated with William Edwin Collison available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA.
William Edwin Collison is the son of Reverend William Henry Collison. In 1899 he was appointed the Anglican incumbent at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, by Bishop Ridley. He was there for approximately 10 years. In April 1911 he was appointed to the parish of Stewart, B.C. In 1920 he was appointed Indian Agent for the Nass River district, and in January 1923 he was appointed agent in charge of the Nass and Skeena River districts, with headquarters in Prince Rupert, retiring in 1925.
Born: 1874
Died: 1944