
Shown below are items associated with Alfred J. Buttimer available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA.

Knowledge shared by institutions

Alfred died in 1934 at age 66 in Vancouver.

Alfred John Buttimer was born in Bathurst, New Brunswick. His parents were James Buttimer and Mary A. Miller. He was sometimes called A. J. Buttimer, Fred Buttimer, or Frederick J. Buttimer. He moved to Vancouver about 1890, and he soon started working in the fishing and canning industry residing for a time in Rivers Inlet. In 1904 he married Margaret Lauderdale Cunningham (in San Francisco); they resided in Vancouver. He continued to be involved in the fishing industry until 1925, when he sold his interest to B.C. Packers. He then devoted his time to Vancouver real estate. He donated his collection to UBC sometime between 1927-1932. He died in 1934. The collection was housed at the UBC Geological Museum until 1947 or 1948, when it was transferred to the newly created UBC Museum of Anthropology.

Born: 1866
Died: 1934