
Shown below are items associated with William Murison available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA.

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Bill Murison joined Indian Affairs as a farm instructor at Moose Mountain Agency in 1893. In 1896 he became the Indian Agent at Moose Mountain, and held the position until 1904, at which point he moved to the Kutawa Agency near Punnichy, Saskatchewan. He administered four reserves: Piapot, Gordon, Day Star and Muscopetungs. He was appointed Inspector for Indian Affairs in 1920 and moved his family to Regina, and in 1927 was promoted to Senior Inspector for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In 1930 he was made Commissioner. Murison made his first trip to deliver treaty monies in 1874. In 1931 he made a trip covering 2,000 miles by canoe and portage, from the Beaver Lake area in Saskatchewan, across into Manitoba. In 1932 he made another trip through the Northwest Territories starting at Peace River, Alberta, covering 5,000 miles above the Arctic Circle and ending at Lac LaRonge Manitoba. He retired in 1936.

Born: 1870
Died: 1950