P Chan Shek-Ying Yau
Information provided by RRN Members and Institutions
Information provided by RRN Members and Institutions
Shown below are items associated with Chan Shek-Ying Yau available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA.
Mrs. Yau was born in Sheung Kwai Chung Village, Tsuen Wan District, Hong Kong, in the early 1920s. She was married to Mr. Yau, Shui-cheung of Kwan Mun Hau Village as a “small daughter in law” when she was twelve years old, and took on the status of his wife when she was sixteen years old. They had eight children. Although she had no chance to study, she was very knowledgeable. She had a very good understanding of the need to save traditional objects that were no longer being used so that they could be donated to a museum. She donated many from her household, and also introduced Johnson to various relatives and others and persuaded them to do the same.
Born: c. 1920
Died: c. 1995