
Shown below are items associated with Emily Carr available without first logging in. This person appears in records from MOA and Bill Reid Centre.

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Emily Carr was born in Victoria on December 13, 1871, and died March 2, 1945. She attended the California School of Design in 1889, and after returning to Victoria taught children's art classes. She made her first trip to a west coast First Nations village (Ucluelet) in 1898, and later resolved to paint as complete a record of vanishing totem poles in their village settings, as possible. She also attended art school in England, around 1900, and in Paris in 1910. In 1924 she began experimenting with crafts like pottery to supplement her income, and signed her pottery "Klee Wyck" meaning "laughing one", a name given to her by west coast First Nations people. The 1927 exhibition of Canadian West Coast Art, Native and Modern (Ottawa), brought her work national attention. She had her first one woman show in Vancouver in 1938. She received the Governor General's Award in 1941.

Born: 1871
Died: 1945