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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Eighteen vertically rectangular prints (actually 6 triptychs) mounted together, creating a long horizontally rectangular set. The first triptych, at the left end, shows several actors on a stage: a man with a sword above his head, being tackled by another man from behind; a man half-lying on the floor; then a man with his back to the viewer, looking to the right. The next triptych shows a woman leaning against a post; a man sitting on the floor holding a fan; and a figure on some steps about to pull out a sword. The background is a building interior. The third triptych shows a woman kneeling, in front of bushes; then two figures with bare lower legs in front of a lake and bushes. The next series shows eight actors; three on the right panel, three in the left panel, two in the centre; seven are looking toward the central figure, who has light brown rays radiating out from behind, across all three pages. The next triptych shows a figure with a black beehive-shaped headdress on the right; a man with his arms outstretched wearing a vertically striped garment at centre; then a man with a rectangular, blue object at his back, wearing a black dome-shaped hat and holding a stick. The background is beige with green ground across all three. The last triptych, at the left end, also shows three figures; the figure on the right with a black beehive-shaped headdress sitting on a round black stool; the central figure holds a yellow fan, has his left foot raised in midair, and wears a striped garment; the figure at left sits with a blue box behind, holding a black domed hat and a stick. The background is yellow with a large tree and branches, across all three pages.


This print is comprised of a combination of 6 triptychs, by 2 different artists. From right to left, triptych (section) 1: Artist: Utagawa, Kuniyoshi; (signed 一勇齊 国芳画 (Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga). Triptych (section) 2: Artist: Utagawa, Kunisada; signed 一陽斎 豊国画 (Ichiyōsai Toyokuni ga). Triptych (section) 3: Artist: Utagawa, Kuniyoshi; signed 一勇齊 国芳画 (Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga). Triptych (section) 4: Artist: Utagawa, Kuniyoshi; signed 一勇齊 国芳画 (Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga). Triptych (section) 5: Artist: Utagawa, Kuniyoshi; signed 一勇齊 国芳画 (Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga). Triptych (section) 6: Artist: Utagawa, Kunisada; signed 一陽斎 豊国画 (Ichiyōsai Toyokuni ga) on the middle print, and signed 香蝶楼 豊国画 (Kōchōrō Toyokuni ga) on the prints at the sides.

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