
You can also add Labels to items within a project. This is a great way to organize large projects. You can also search the items by their associated labels in the Project Search.

Try it!

  1. Click the Labels button at the top of the Items tab of your project and then click New Label.
  2. Type a name for your label, for example try a descriptive word like “interesting”. Your label will appear on the drop down menu, and it will already be set with a default colour.
  3. To apply labels to items, click on the picture of an item in your project to see its item record preview.
  4. Under Apply Labels simply click on the label name you would like to apply to that item.
  5. The label name will change to the colour you’ve selected for it, and when you see the matching colour on the right hand corner of the items in your collection, you know you’ve applied the correct label!
  6. Click the label again to remove it from the selected items.

You Can manage Labels by clicking the Labels menu button and the clicking Manage Labels. Here you can change the name and colour of any label, or delete a label. Deleting a label will remove it from all items.

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